Sustainable living | Creation care | Environmental education | Tomatoes


Striped and Green Varieties for 2016


Alleghany Sunset (78 days)  An excellent flavoured 12-16 oz yellow/red streaked tomato with a uniform round shape. Very meaty, heavy with only a few seeds. Indeterminate.


Aunt Ruby’s German Green (80 days) Reportedly from Ruby Arnold of Greenville, Tennessee. Beefsteak sized fruits are five inches in diameter and weigh one pound or more. Sweet juicy, refreshingly spicy flavour. A southern favourite for making fried green tomatoes. Indeterminate.


Big Rainbow  (80-85 days) A spectacular large bicolour beefsteak with slight ribbing. This heirloom has a mottled orange and red exterior with brilliant coloured gold and red flesh.  This low acid, firm meaty tomato packs a good old-fashioned, juicy tomato taste. Big Rainbow has vigorous vines and good disease resistance. Indeterminate.


Black Pineapple (aka Ananas Noire) (80 days) Ever wonder what the northern lights taste like? This tomato will let you know. Sweet, fruity, rich, smoky-it’s complex flavour reflects the spectrum of deep red-purple, green, yellow and pinkish red that you see. This is a large multi-coloured beefsteak with wonderful taste. Ind.


Green Grape  (70 days) Ripe green-yellow 1” tomatoes in abundant grape-like clusters of 6-12 tomatoes. Pleasant sweet-tart taste with little seed. Does well in dry conditions; easy but untidy growth. Semi-indet.


Green Zebra (Not technically an heirloom – developed in 1985  by California tomato breeder Tom Wagner.) (75-80 days) Yellow and green 3″ fruits with dark green vertical stripes. Emerald green flesh is juicy, sweet, zingy, yet mild. A bit exotic. Semi-determinate.


Mr. Stripey (NB: different from Tigerella, listed below!!) Mid-season. Very large (up to 2 lbs) dense, meaty yellow fruit with pinkish red stripes, ridged shoulders and few seeds. Very mild, low acid taste. Some blight resistance. Indeterminate.


Pineapple (75 days) From Ohio area. Large beefsteak, yellow-orange fruits have a pink stripe running through. Sweet, bright flavour. Indeterminate.


Tigerella (70 days) Lovely striped golf ball size fruit. Sweet, juicy,  incredible flavour. Red skin with yellow-orange stripes. A favourite in many gardens. Indeterminate.